I think it’s safe to say that we have a pressing need for marketing cycling positively if we’re to encourage people to ride bicycles and begin the transformation of our cities into more liveable places.Instead of scare campaigns about cycling [a life-extending, healthy, sustainable transport form], wouldn’t it be more appropriate to begin campaigns about the dangers of automobiles? Many people in car-centric countries no longer regard the automobile as dangerous. Maybe they realise it, but the car is such an ingrained part of our culture that the perception of danger rarely rises to the surface of peoples consciousness. Sure, there are scare campaigns for cars out there, but what if we just cut to the chase.Much like smoking. Only a couple of decades ago cigarettes were an integral part of life, whether you smoked or not. That has changed radically. I am certainly not comparing the dangers of smoking to the dangers of driving, I just think that we could borrow freely from the health warnings now found on cigarette packs around the world.
On Tom Vanderbilt's blog How We Drive we can read:
"The world’s death toll from swine flu? 87 (according to the CDC) The number of global road fatalities, using WHO’s annual figure of 1.2 million, since the swine flu outbreak was first detected (using a very rough benchmark of a month ago)? 98,630."
In Denmark, 4000 people die every year because of the health hazards related to cars - and that's ten times greater than the number of people actually killed in car accidents. Respiratory illnesses, heart disease, stress-related illnesses caused by noise pollution, etc.

Very few people are aware that the levels of dangerous microparticles from exhaust are actually higher INSIDE the car than if you're cycling next to it. So let's focus on this fact and hopefully encourage motorists to think twice about their actions.Shouldn't we have rules dictating that all advertisments for automobiles must have clearly visible warning labels? There are a variety of smoking texts that can be applied to the car health warnings.Car emissions cause emphysema / Driving causes cancer / Driving clogs your arteries / Don't transport your children by car / Driving - A leading cause of death / Quitting will improve your health / Driving harms unborn babies / Driving is addictive / Car emissions are toxic /
And so on. Wikipedia has a comprehensive list.

A good idea whose time has come. Coupled with mandatory motoring helmet laws, we'll well on our way to the demotorization of our cities.
Addendum: I've learned that a similar proposal - not quite as logical as the above - was discussed in Brussels with high-ranking members of the EU government. Back in 2008. Not much came of it.
Then a reader sent us this link to a health-warning proposal back in 2007.