Photo by Diego Franssens - from interview in Belgian magazine Knack.Saturday morning, 11:30. Came out of the flat with the kids, heading for a toy store to buy a present that Felix would then take to a birthday party. Lulu-Sophia and I would then run some errands and hang out in the backyard.All of this would happen with my red Bullitt cargo bike. Which, I discovered, wasn’t where I parked it.First thought… “Hmm, I thought I parked it there…“Second thought… “Maybe I parked it in the other spot…“Third thought, gradual realisation… “It’s been nicked…“Not a foreign line of thought. Hell, I’ve had loads of bikes stolen before. But the fourth thought really says all about the role of the bicycle in Copenhagen - and in my life:“Shit… how I am going to get around today?!“Standing there with two kids - Felix was on his own bike - with things to do, places to go and stuff to buy and the cargo bike rug was pulled out from beneath me. My uattainable schedule that day flashed before my eyes, followed by the following days.Rather telling that all the practical uses for my missing bike were the primary thoughts filling my head. Only after a while I said to the kids… “Damn… I really liked that bike.“Cue a couple of minutes of restless, confused lingering on the sidewalk. Logistical solutions presenting themselves. I called the kids’ mum to borrow her cargo bike. In conversation with her I realised we could still get Felix to his birthday party on time. So off we walked. Legs are our alternative transport in this neighbourhood.I still didn’t have any way of getting Lulu-Sophia around after that. My Velorbis was loaned out to a friend and it was rigged with a bulldog seat. I called him and he was kind enough to hurry over with the bike so I could transport The Girl, like we’ve done before:
There were no sleeping children in it. Shame, I might have gotten it back if there were. If anyone here in Copenhagen spots it, or sees it for sale, please let me know. Let's see if - against all my expectations - this social media lark can help me get the bike back. :-) Thanks in advance for any help. Hvis du bor i KBH/FRB og ser cyklen send gerne en sms til 26259726.