The Collected Articles from Copenhagenize.com On Bicycle Helmets
Artikler fra Copenhagenize.com om cykelhjelme
Are Fabric Covered Helmets More Dangerous?
The Negative Effects of Helmet Promotion and Legislation in Sweden
- How helmet promotion and legislation is killing off childrens cycling in Sweden
- Hvordan promovering af cykelhjelme og påbud reducerer antallet af børn der cykler i Sverige.
Fear of Cycling - Bike Helmet Promotion
- Part of the Series by Sociologist Dave Horton.
Airbags Instead of Bike Helmets
- Dutch test external airbags for cars to protect pedestrians and cyclists.
Culture of Fear - Cykelhjelm Society
- The Culture of Fear and how it relates to bike helmets and cycling in Denmark.
- Frygtkulturen og hvordan den relaterer til cykelhjelme og cykling i Danmark.
A Walking Helmet is a Good Helmet
- A brilliant and logical campaign promoting pedestrian helmets has hit the streets of Copenhagen.
- En fantastisk og logisk nye kampagne til fordel for gåhjelme - cykelhjelme for fodgængere - er lanceret i København.
Helmets for Pedestrians and Motorists?
- Wherein we explore the shocking lack of helmet promotion for pedestrians and motorists.
- Hvori vi kigger på det chokerende mangel på cykelhjelmkampagner for fodgængere og bilister.
- Interview with a traffic consultent from the Dutch Fietsersbond about the Dutch policy on bike helmets.
- Interview med et trafikkonsulent fra det hollandsk cyklist forbund om Hollands cykelhjelm politik. Sammenlignet med Dansk cyclist forbund.
Helmets or Health?
- We can promote bike helmets or cycling. We can't do both.
- Vi kan promovere cykelhjelme eller cykling. Men ikke begge dele.
Cycle Helmets and Other Religious Symbols
- Wherein we compare those who promote bike helmets with fundamentalist religious fervour.
- Hvori vi sammenligner fortalere for cykelhjelme med fundamentalistiske religøse propaganda.
Motoring Helmets for Real High-Risk Transport
- Finally, what the world has been waiting for. A company making helmets for motorists. Buy now, operators are standing by.
- Endelig. Cykelhjelme for bilister, lavet af et australsk firma. Køb dem nu! Det er hul i hovedet at køre uden!
Ask Me Why I Cycle Without a Helmet
- Campaign by the European Cyclists' Federation against bicycle helmet promotion and legislation. Scroll down in the article for the piece.
- Kampagne fra det Europæiske cyklistforbund imod promovering af cykelhjelme samt love til fordele for hjelmtvang. Scroll længere nede i artiklen.
Putting A Price on Bike Helmet Laws - (You Can't Afford It)
- An Australian mathematician has determined how bike helmets are far from cost efficient. On the contrary, they cost society a bundle.
- En australsk matematiker har beregnet hvor dyrt cykelhjelm lovgivning er for et land. Meget dyrt.
Scaring the 'skit' Out of the Swedes
- The car-centric Swedish Road Safety Council, NTF, has no problem with scaring people off their bicycles with propaganda.
- Det bilcentrisk råd for færdselssikkerhed i Sverige, NTF, er ikke bleg for at skræmme folk ud af sadlen med cykelhjelm propaganda.
Copenhagenize Injury Alert!
- 87,000 Americans are admitted to hospital each year because they fell over a pet. Where are the safety freaks on this issue!? There's helmets and safety equipment to be sold!
- 87,000 amerikanere ryger på hospitalet hvert år fordi de falder over et kæledyr. Hvor er sikkerhedsnarkomaner om dette issue?! Der skal sælges cykelhjelme og sikkerhedsudstyr!
Bicycle Helmets - Today's Bloodletting
- Sue Knaup compares bicycle helmets with bloodletting with leeches.
- Sue Knaup sammenligner cykelhjelme med igler.
The Bicycle is Booming - Just Not in Denmark
- Bike helmet promotion stunts growth of bicycle sales in Denmark.
- Promoveringen af cykelhjelme standser vækst i salget af cykler i Danmark.
Danish Bike Helmet Propaganda
- See how bike helmet propaganda is infiltrating Danish society.
- Se hvordan cykelhjelm propaganda infiltrerer det danske samfund.
Australian Helmet Hurdle
- Bicycle helmet laws restrict growth of bike share programmes in Australia.
Sensible Bicycle Helmet Usage in Denmark
- Film showing sensible usage of bike helmets in Denmark.
- Film der viser fornuftig brug af cykelhjelm i Danmark.
Get Yer Torches! It's a Bicycle Helmet Witchhunt!
- Wherein we explore how bicycle helmet advocates tend to attack bicycle advocates with a tone reminiscent of the witch hunts of old.
- Analyse af det tonefald cykelhjelm fanatikerne bruger imod mennesker som vælger at køre uden hjelm. Allerede tilstedet i DK. Desværre.
The Culture of Fear and a Very Important Book
- Review of the book Culture of Fear Revisited by Frank Furedi and how it relates to bicycling.
South African Bicycle Helmet Amusement
- South African café chain bans cyclists in helmets and South African blog calls for a stop to the socially unacceptable behaviour of wearing helmets in shops and other establishments.
- Sydafrikansk cafékæde forbyder cykelhjelme og en sydafrikansk blog kører kampagne imod cykelhjelme i butikker og supermarkeder fordi det er 'social uacceptabelt adfærd'.
Kissing Toronto's Bicycle Culture Good-bye
- Toronto city councillor proposes mandatory bicycle helmet laws. Silly git.
Political Helmet Mishaps (and Irish Hope)
- The Danish Socialist Peoples Party proposes bicycle helmet legislation without bothering with science.
- SF har et forslag om cykelhjelmtvang for de under 12, uden at de bekymrer sig om videnskab.
Danish Bicycle Helmet Law Defeated in Parliament
- The Socialist Peoples' Party's proposed law for mandatory bicycle helmets for under 12's is soundly rejected by the Danish Parliament.
- SF's lovforslag som vil gøre det lovpligtigt for de under 12 at bære cykelhjelm er stemt ned i Folketinget.
Visit Auckland and Break the Law
- Advert for the City of Auckland features a cyclist sans helmet, despite the country's backward helmet laws. Irony rules.
Promoting Cycling in London - But not in Boston
- London promotes cycle but in Boston, the coppers will confiscate your bicycle if you're nicked without a helmet.
- London promoverer cykling men i Boston konfiskerer strisserne børnenes cykler hvis de er taget uden cykelhjelm.
The Hierarchy of the Bicycle Helmet Empire
- Satirical look at bicycle helmet promotion.
- Cykelhjelm satire.
The Great Bike Helmet Hysteria - Part Two
The Great Bike Helmet Hysteria - Introduction
Mere om cykelhjelme på Cykelhjelm.org