The Life-Sized City Blog: Canberra: "But We Never Used to Cycle Here" - Yeah, right

Vintage shots from Canberra. Photos that some avid cyclists and most car lobbyists DON’T want you to see in case you get the idea that cycling is a normal, everyday transport form performed in regular clothes and on any ol’ bicycle. God forbid. One of our readers found a film in the national archives and these shots are a screen grab. They feature Vintage Cycle Chic on the streets of the Australia capital in the 1950’s.

The shots feature office workers heading out from work for their lunch break. When I'm travelling and speaking I always encourage local bicycle advocates to get digging in their local archives to find similar photos of the bicycle's role in the history of the city. Simply because such images have been forgotten for more than a generation and they serve to bring the reality of bicycle transport to the surface once again. Using the past to illustrate the future.
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The Life-Sized City Blog: Canberra: "But We Never Used to Cycle Here" - Yeah, right

The Life-Sized City Blog: Catch The Cyclist...

There’s a behavourial campaign at the moment with car doors placed around town and the message “Catch the cyclist with your eyes, not your door”.Pretty straightforward campaign. No real fear-mongering at play. Just a good reminder for both motorists and cyclists alike. Nevermind the fact that I have never heard of anybody getting smacked by a car door. Most of the bike lanes are wide enough to avoid this. But hey. At least the campaign helps motorists [most of whom are cyclists, too] remember the bicycles.

Thanks to Kristoffer for the photo.

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The Life-Sized City Blog: Catch The Cyclist...