What with all the travelling I do to speak in cities around the world I always get the pleasure of meeting up with not only the politicians and policymakers but also the local cycling crowd and advocates. It is a constant source of inspiration to see what the latter group is doing on the ground and to experience, with them, the conditions for cycling in their city. I feel priviledged to have met so many amazing people around the world and to have ridden bicycles with them in countless cities. I can't put a finger on it, but the crowd in Sao Paulo, were somehow a cut above the rest. I had such an inspiring time with them all during my four days in the city. And what a mad city. There are seven million cars - with 3000 new cars hitting the streets each day - and one million motorbikes. The motorbikes are insane. They are like swarms of wasps in the traffic with the high-pitched whine of their motors and the way they surf madly through the traffic. Two motorcyclists are killed each day in Sao Paulo. The cyclists are fighting for a more bicycle-friendly city and their struggle in Sao Paulo makes North American cities look like Dutch or Danish cities. I tweeted it when I was there, but cyclists in Europe, North America and Australasia should try riding in Sao Paulo in order to realise how good the conditions are where they live. The cyclists are hardcore. They are fearless and yet strong, sober cyclists. The ones I rode with, when faced with a bus or car that was going to cut them off, made their prescence known but they shouted positive messages, as opposed to that very Anglo tendency to get all aggressive. All in all, cycling through the city for four days with these people was inspirational and enjoyable. Sao Paulo has a long journey ahead towards re-establishing the bicycle as transport and building bicycle infrastructure. The city, like so many others, transforms itself on Sundays for the Ciclofaixa, where safe routes are cordoned off for bicycle rides and the bike lanes through some of the parks are filled with families enjoying a ride.