- Bicycle Culture by Design: Electric Elderly Boogie in Copenhagen

Vistors to Copenhagen always get a kick out of the numerous electric scooters that many elderly - or invalid - citizens buzz around on. They are a main feature on the bike lanes, rolling along quietly at modest speeds, providing the driver with a massively-increased mobility radius. Granted, many elderly citizens continue to ride bicycles, but these subsidised, electric boogie machines are primarily for those with reduced mobility. I love ’em. Most are virtually homes away from home, decorated and with baskets filled with personal effects, often with pets in the baskets or on laps.

Here's a funky weather-proof make called Shopper.

But an umbrella makes you pretty weather-proof, too.

They don't take up much room and are easy to overtake. As well as providing the user with a nice place to sit and soak up the sun.

Just like bicycles, you wear what you'd wear while walking.

And while we're on Electric Avenue, there are new buses serving Copenhagen's city centre. Electric, of course.

Amsterdam is starting to see an increasing number of these weird cars showing up on the cycle tracks, too.

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