- Bicycle Culture by Design: January 2010

Here’s the latest Copenhagenize Mix.


We've posted previously about how Cyclists Make Better Shoppers. It was over two years ago, which is totally vintage in blogland. Anyway, Sustrans in the UK has two pdf's about initiatives in the UK.
Shoppers and How They Travel, wherein they take research from Graz, Austria and replicate it in Bristol. Then there's a similar paper about experiences in Leicester and Edinburgh called Traffic Restraint and Retail Vitality. All about how retailers overestimate how many of their customers arrive by car.Links via a reader in the UK.


A city councillor, Bill Saundercook, was slammed last fall for proposing lower speed limits, according to the Toronto Sun... War on Cars Continues. Thanks to James for the link.Since the beginning of the new year, Toronto has suffered a record number of pedestrian fatalities this year. 14 in as many days.

As our reader Luke puts it: "Most of the people were using marked crosswalks and had the right of way. Don't you think that the police are "ignoring the bull"? To use your phrase? Here's the link to the article "Will Police Blitz Curb Jaywalking?" As though restricting pedestrians rather human movement through their urban setting is a noble goal. Bah.

On the other hand, here's an article about the situation from The Globe and Mail which is "naming and blaming the bull", as our reader Kevin puts it. The War on Walking - Toronto pedestrians suffer the most casualties on the city's roads, and traffic experts say it doesn't have to be that way. Thanks to Kevin for the link.

So now the Toronto City Council is pondering reduced speed limits again, apparently, writes our reader, Kate. Toronto Council to Debate Pedestrian Safety.

Oh, but then again, then there's this piece in the Toronto Sun which blames the pedestrians... Heads Up, Pedestrians. Oh bother, it's confusing. Thanks to James for this link.


"Long Beach, the most bicycle friendly city in America", it says on a metallic bicycle sculpture in Long Beach, California. The city's leaders admit that it's a bold and premature statement. But they're working on it.

Long Beach Makes Way for Bicycles

Thanks to the Flying Finn, Ville, for the link.

Astrid from Antwerp calls herself the Low Impact Girl. She's going to spend the next two years doing what she can to reduce her carbon footprint. Go girl.


The Alliance for Biking and Walking has issued a report entitled "Investing in Biking and Walking Could Save Lives - States with the lowest levels of biking and walking have higher traffic fatalities and chronic disease."
They could have saved themselves a couple of keyboard strokes and just written "Investing in Biking and Walking SAVES LIVES", since there is so much research out there to back up this fact. Nevertheless, it's a great report and available to read over at the People Powered Movement website.Via a press release.


Melbourne continues its copenhagenization with this news from our reader Stuart about $25 million AUD plan to turn Swanston Street into a pedestrian and bicycle friendly thoroughfare. With hints that the plan will extend to the surrounding streets. Sweet. I used to live in Melbourne, on two occasions, so I have an affectionate relationship with the city and am thrilled by this initiative.

- Swanston Street Takes a Walk on the Mild Side

- Cars and taxis banned from Swanston St in $25.6m revamp planned by Melbourne City Council
- The Melbourne Council's website about the project.

In Australia, they're selling bicycles. Period. According to the Cycling Promotion Fund.


The Spanish city of Sevilla is reclaiming the streets in favour of a more liveable city, according to Sociedad Sostenible.


Andy discovered this old statute in New Jersey which just might be enough legal backup to take your bike on the train for free!Gotta love it:

"The passenger shall remove any lantern from such bicycle but not any usual bicycle bell or cyclometer nor need he crate, cover or otherwise protect the bicycle."

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