- Bicycle Culture by Design: Citröen Uses Bikes to Sell Cars

So here’s the Citröen advert we blogged about a while back when they were filming it in Copenhagen - The Car Industry Strikes Back - This Time With a New Angle. Firstly, you don’t see people on bicycles with Asian-style kleenex masks on their face, but hey.

After all the recent adverts from the car industry going after bicycles in their marketing - seeing them as competitors - this is a new angle.

It’s cheesy, sure. People sucking in great lungfuls of clean air, revelling in the pure goodness of the Citröen. Embracing each other as they marvel at the car. Sheesh.

Let’s just say it’s refreshing not to be under attack from the car industry and be pleased that none of the cyclists hopped off their bike and into a car. At the end of the day the advert is quite positive. They’re trying to show and tell that this car will - apparently - make the air in our cities cleaner and that is something that the people on bicycles (and everyone else) will benefit from.

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