Disclaimer: The photo does not depict the winners of the quiz. :-)
Thanks to everyone who took part in the Copenhagenize Quiz yesterday. A thrilling battle for a messenger bag from Cykelhjelm.org.
The correct answers are as follows:Which year did Sweden begin bike helmet promotion?1988
Which year did Sweden pass a helmet law for under 15's?2005
To be honest, I've discovered I'm crap at hosting quizzes. The first question is good enough, but the second one is a bit unclear. They passed the law in 2004 and it went into effect in 2005.
Should have been clearer. Sorry. I'll be flexible in choosing the winners. And here they are:Kim - 1988/2005 (even though he changed his mind later in the comments... :-) )
Crispy Kale: 1988/2004 (benefit of the doubt due to my badly-formulated quiz question)
@brumcyclist: 1988/2005
What you three lucky readers need to do is send me an email at copenhagenize [at] gmail [dot] com with WINNER! in the subject field and your full names and addresses. I'll get a messenger bag shipped off to you quicksmart.
For more reading on child helmet laws and their destructive nature, here's a good page to click on to.