On the 13rd of december 2009, at the same time of the climate conference in Copenhagen, 16 motorists demonstrated against a new bike lane, built on one of the main roads of the city.The organisation EMPAMO (Movement for Human Parking) started an offensive against the cyclist movement, calling them fascist (http://globalvoicesonline.org/2009/10/0 3/hungary-cycling-is-chic-but-fascist/ target="blank"). This group has 13 members, and the video shows, how constructive they face the problems of urban traffic.FYI there's a very old motorist club in Hungary, called Autóklub, with more than 300k members. They have no connection with this group.By the wave of the Critical Mass, the sum of cyclists doubles every year in BP. In 2009 some smaller but important changes happened to help this kind of transportation. One of them was this bike lane. On the smaller boulevard about 70 parking lots were deleted, to give back the space for pedestrians and cyclists. The route also has a strong public transport use, and every- day traffic jams. Parking lots for delivery were constructed.
The Critical Mass Budapest is organised on the closest sunday to Earth Day in april and on the Car Free Day, in sept. The worlds biggest CM is abiding the law, has a good relationship with the local police.
Thanks to Aron at Cyclechic.hu for the link.