This is a long-distance review of a café in London. Never been there, but a friend of mine, Klaus, ‘seemed to recall a cafë near the canals or something’, which led me to the Lock 7 Cycle Café. Or rather, their website.Looks like a nice place and with me being Sunday Evening Peckish, I quite fancy their scrambled eggs on toast for three quid.It says on their website that the place was inspired by a visit to Copenhagen. This being the single most-important factor in elevating them from Google search result to blog post on Copenhagenize… :-)If anyone in London has been there, do let us know. It would make this review much more respectable.Anyway, it’s a café in which to hang out and a place to get your bike fixed while you hang out but you don’t need to have a bike - broken or otherwise - in order to hang out. They also sell second-hand bikes if you’re in the market for one.It’s worth mentioning that while the place may be inspired by a trip to Copenhagen, we don’t have any “cycle cafés” for “cyclists” to hang out in. Or rather, every café is a cycle café, since people cycle to them. Sure, the bike messengers have a few benches they hang out on and the fixie fad-ists do some hangin’, but other than that, nah.
Any other cyclist cafés out there in Readerland that you know of and like? Chuck 'em into the comments. Oh, and tell us why on earth you can't just go to any ordinary café... :-)