The latest piece in our ongoing Car Industry Strikes Back series writes itself. This time it’s Volvo doing its best to draw your attention to the fact that motorists kill obscene amounts of people - including themselves - by placing the responsibility on cyclists and pedestrians. It’s a smoke screen and this time it’s sprayed on. It is Ignoring the Bull in Society’s China Shop taken to the next level. Volvo Life Paint. Seriously. Life paint. But hey… it’s not for the 35,000+ people killed by or in cars in the EU alone by Volvo and their Big Auto homies (around the same in the US and 1.2 million worldwide - not to mention the tenfold more killed by pollution from cars and trucks or the hundreds and hundreds of thousands more injured…).
And no, it’s not rational ideas like helmets for motorists or making motorists responsible by forcing them to have external airbags.
It’s spray on paint.
No, not for cars, even though black cars are most likely to be involved in collisions. No, it’s not rational stuff like reflective paint on cars or health warning legislation on all automobiles.
It’s for you on foot or on a bicycle because you are an irritation to motorists. You are a squishy bug ruining their paint job. You are a threat to their mobility dominance. You must be ridiculed with calls for reflective vests/clothing and a variety of ways to hate on pedestrians.
Now you have the gift of Big Auto paint to spray on your irritating person.
I don’t think we realise how slippery a slope it is we are on as a society when morons like this produce crap like this and actually get taken seriously.
Fortunately, we have a better idea for Volvo. Make Life Shine.