There are hundreds of fantastic bicycle posters from a long history of bicycle adverts out there. So many of them are brilliant. There are, however, some that are just plain weird. Copenhagenize offers you two of the weirdest we have come across. Above, a poster for Columbia Bicycles from the kinky hand of one C.M. Coolidge in 1895
One of our readers - "Kordite" - found this description of the last poster on an auction website:
"Utilizing the allegorical imagery frequently associated with the French proverb "La Verité sort du puits" (The Truth comes out of a well), in which a nude female representing Truth is seen leaping forth from a well, here we are presented with an advertisement for a bicycle chain. Rather than the usual rope-pulley system, a bike-chain like mechanism is depicted behind her as she makes a superstitious hand gesture against bad luck. Apparently, if you use this brand of bicycle chain, you will be protected from all harm -- no lie. "
If you're interested, the starting bid is $1300 at LiveAuctioneers.com