The Life-Sized City Blog: Zoos and Bicycles

It was lovely to see bicycles in action at Barcelona Zoo, used by the staff to get around the park. Like many zoos, each exhibition has it’s own bicycles. Above, the sticker, refers to a marine exhibit.
This chap works with primates.

It was interesting to see a Danish Acrobat cargo bike from Esimex at the zoo selling ice cream and soft drinks. The solar panel sticking up was a bit wobbly and I wouldn't want to ride the trike in wind, but hey, it is perfect for riding or pushing the trike around the zoo.
Here is a Copenhagen version of the Primate exhibit's bicycle. Sturdy front rack for carrying gear.

Every bike at the Copenhagen Zoo is equipped with practical front and/or back racks. At left it is lovely to see that cycling is sociable even at the zoo.

And here is a fleet of ice cream bikes, from Acrobat, at the Copenhagen Zoo. As far as I recall, the Sushi Bike that serves the beaches in Copenhagen is also the same brand.
Even the humble Tapir exhibit at the Copenhagen Zoo is equipped with dedicated bicycles.

And since we're on the theme, here's a zoo employee heading home by bicycle in Berlin.

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