The Life-Sized City Blog: Attack from Mars - Humanity at Risk!

Spotted this on in/camera’s Flickr photostream. “Industrial robots from Audi’s manufacturing line, used in an installation called Outrace by Clemens Weisshaar and Reed Kram. Trafalgar Square, London."Sure, it’s an installation, but it’s not exactly a barnstorming, humanising portrait of the automobile industry. Cars already suffer from a distinct lack of humanism and have bred societal segregation for decades. Now we see the monsterous robotic equipment that makes them fill up Trafalgar Square. A momument to technology.A threat to liveable cities and the people who inhabit them.

(Although it wouldn't be the same if the installation featured a couple of relaxed, soft-spoken guys at a table in the middle of the square, welding metal tubes together in a diamond shape, threading spokes and polishing a newly, constructed bicycle.)

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