Bike PSA v7 from Israel Ehrisman on Vimeo.
Just got word of a cool contest called Paul Goodman Changed My Life."To honor 20th century philosopher and social theorist Paul Goodman’slegacy, JSL Films, producer of the documentary Paul Goodman Changed MyLife, is holding a contest to help encourage transportation alternatives.Paul Goodman, a writer, a radical, and a renaissance man, was the co-authorof “Banning Cars from Manhattan,” a 1961 proposal to improve New York’sstreets by eliminating private auto traffic. Nearly half a century later,his ideas are now heralded as being before their time, with limitingtraffic in city centers becoming more and more common.Paul Goodman Changed My Life is honoring Goodman’s legacy by invitingpeople to propose change in their own communities. Anyone who submits fiveproposals to their local government (mayor, city council, etc.) can enter adrawing to win a new bicycle. One winner in the United States will win abike courtesy of Breezer Bikes, and one winner in Europe will win a bikecourtesy of Biomega."
Paul Goodman Changed My Life.