Here's another bicycle event timed to coincide with the Climate Conference. It's called Ride Planet EarthHere's a press release I recieved:
From Australia to Copenhagen on bike in the name of the Climate
Cyclists from around the globe will take to the streets on the 6th of December 2009, demonstrating the capacity and willingness of ordinary people to take action against climate change. Ride Planet Earth aims at helping convince world’s governments to take immediate action in order to close a global climate deal.Participants will be recording video messages to address the COP15 Climate Conference, stating not only that public action is necessary, but also that they will be taking action personally, to demonstrate that ordinary people will take the lead if governments fail to reach an agreement.Kim Nguyen - From Australia to Copenhagen by bike.Ride Planet Earth, started by Kim Nguyen, has begun as a solo bicycle journey from Brisbane, Australia, to Copenhagen, Denmark, to collect messages from people already affected by global warming and their will for economic change. Over the course of the journey a mass solidarity movement has developed and bicycle rides are occurring on every continent as to promote radical alternatives to burning fossil fuel.
Join Ride Copenhagen
Join the last ride with Kim Nguyen who has travelled by bike all the way from Australia through Asia and Europe to Copenhagen. We start the Ride in the town of Roskilde but you can join the Ride along the way. We end the Ride at “The COme 2gether Café " in the heart of Copenhagen.DETAILS ABOUT THE RIDEStarting point: at 10.00 AM at Hestetorvet - next to Roskilde Train Station (35 km left).1. Pick up point: at 11.00 AM at Høje Taastrup Station (next to the train station) (25 km left).2. Pick up point: app. at 13.15 PM at Damhustorvet (only 7km left).End: at The COme 2gether Café , Borups Højskole, Frederiksholms Kanal 24.Here's Kim in Thailand. Be sure to check out the website and the blog.