Last night here in Copenhagen the City held a cool and funky awards ceremony to announce the winners of the Open International Design Competition for a new bike share system for Copenhagen.It was definately the coolest bicycle event of the climate conference and the venue was filled to the brim. Awards, cava, radler beer, canapés and funky DJs. Can't beat it. Above you can see a 20 minute film of the awards ceremony.The competition recieved 127 entries from five continents, far more than expected and the standard, according to the jury was extremely high. So high, in fact, that they Jury decided to award two first prizes. Here's the list.
First Prize: Lots Design, Koucky & Green Idea FactoryProject: OPENbike.
See more on the competition website.

See more on the competition website.
See more on the competition website.
See more on the competition website.
See more on the competition website.
Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone in attendance for a great evening! You can see all the entries on the website cphbikeshare.com