I should have been there, but I was elsewhere. Damn. The 14th European Cycle Messenger Championships were held in Berlin from 28 May to 01 June and from what I’ve heard it was a riot. It was held at the Tempelhof airport on a wicked mad course.
My mate Hans from Larry vs Harry was present and he competed in the cargo bike category. From what he tells me, the course was 2 and half hours long and involved many checkpoints and package deliveries.
The photo above is of Hans emerging from a long tunnel on the route.The cargo bike category was won by a Dane, Nils Jakob „Kvante“ Mørkbak on a Belingy. In the top 5 there were four Bullitts from Larry vs Harry. Andreas, from Stockholm, who finished 5th was riding a Bullitt fixie. He's mad. Hans came in 7th, by the way.
I love the programme wherein you can read this text in the intro:
"Non-messengers are as always tolerated at this event, although leave the excessive posing to the professionals, thanks".
Check out the ECMC website for more results and photos. Looks like a brilliant time was had by all.