Back in October a large group from Portland, USA visited Copenhagen on an in-depth study trip, as I posted about here. There is also a photo series from our bike rides around Copenhagen on Flickr.
The report highlighting their findings is now available online and it makes for interesting reading. It's available as a 16 page .pdf document here.
Here's the summary:The Case for an Integrated Mobility Strategy
The Case for an Integrated Mobility Strategy is the final report from Portland, Oregon's Blue Ribbon Committee for Trails. Appointed in April 2008 by Metro, the area's elected regional government, the Committee was charged to take the work the community has developed, evaluate where regional trails fit in the region's priorities and recommend potential strategies for expanding the region's trail network.From the report: ''With smart investments in a network of routes and trails for biking and walking, in ten years we can more than double the number of people who choose to walk or bike. People like us in cities around the world with climates and hills as challenging as ours have done it. Their air and water are cleaner, their communities are stronger, and they are more active and healthy as a result.''Topic sections include:- The special case for greenways: Greenways provide premier routes and distinguish the region.- Solution requires a more integrated approach to mobility.- Costs are small relative to other options: The financial investment required is within the region's capacity.