PRESTO – “Promoting Cycling for Everyone as a Daily Transport Mode” is a new project of the EU’s Intelligent Energy – Europe Programme granted by the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI).PRESTO is about competence building in cycling policies. The project aims to offer a set of tools for technicians to create cycle friendly urban environments, to implement sound cycling plans and to start up targeted promotion campaigns.The five PRESTO cities are:Bremen (Germany): 650 km of bike-lanes inside of streets, incl. stripes and advisory lanes, and the highest rate of bike-transport in cities over half a million inhabitants of Germany. More than 42.000 bike-trips a day are made into the city centre and one third of the trips in Bremen are longer than 6 km. This is remarkable, because the average bike distance in Germany is about 3 km and 85% of the trips are no longer than 6 km.Grenoble (France): 300km of reserved cycle paths in the agglomeration and three outlets rent “Métro-vélo” bicycles to the public. The Métro contributes to improving the safety of “soft modes” by encouraging communes to create 30km/h zones to slow car traffic.
As well as, Tczew (Poland), Venice (Italy) and Zagreb (Croatia).