Photo by ' fixed gear ' on Flickr.
So the bicycle licence beast raises it's ugly head again. This time in Seattle. Sure, it's only an opinion piece from a man who doesn't look like he's been on a bicycle since the days the plates above were valid, but still.
Copenhagenize is quite clear on bike licences. They are one of the most ridiculous inventions in the history of transport. "Bikes should pay" is a weak argument from the Automotive Defence League.
We've posted about this before in a rebuttal aimed at anyone who mumbles 'bike licences'. Here's the link. Use it freely .
- Bicycle licences are a logistical nightmare that almost always end up in the red. That's why they've been dropped all over the world. They're simply not cost-effective.
More cyclists on the streets and on the new infrastructure are a bonus for any city:
- More cyclists means less wear and tear on the roads which means less roadworks and fewer delays for motorists. Money saved.
- More cyclists means lower health care costs and fewer lost production days because of employee illness. Good for the economy.
- More cyclists means a healthier workforce. More money for the economy.
- Cyclists live longer - up to nine years longer - good for the economy.
- More cyclists means less pollution. Good for public health and quality of life. Higher quality of life means a more attractive city and increased property values.
- More cyclists means fewer people in cars - and people in cars are victims of a higher level of pollution than those cycling next to them .
- An urban freeway costs about 2500 times more per mile than an urban cycleway according to John Button's How to Be Green, in the Australian Edition published by Random Century Hutchinson Australia Pty Ltd. See the 28 reasons to ride a bicycle for more facts.
- Cyclists should be given bonuses, like in many countries, because they choose to leave the car at home.
Look at the above points. Do the maths. A city can profit from having more cyclists. Building bike lanes is a requirement, a given.
STOP THE PRESSES... I just recieved a great link from Paul. Somebody DID the maths, quite recently.
Scotland's economy could benefit by up to £4 billion each year if we cycled as much as people in parts of continental Europe, a report said. Here's the link to the rest of the article.